
The map above will show our planned route of flight in magenta, as well as our actual route of flight in yellow. During flight, you'll see a blue plane showing our present position (updated every ~10 minutes), and green balloons will indicate where we've landed. You can also look at this map in Full Screen.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


The plane is fueled, the route is plotted, the bags are packed, and we are ready!

Tomorrow Dan and I meet at my hangar at 6am. The idea is to get to our first overnight stop (Ft. Collins Colorado) before the afternoon Colorado thunderstorms get going. We'll depart into the sunrise and fly for about 3 1/2 hours to a stop in Logan Utah for gas and a bite to eat. Our route will take us up through the morning fog then over Lake Tahoe and into the deserts of Nevada and Utah. We'll cross the Great Salt Lake and then land in Logan shortly thereafter. After that, we have a 2 1/2 hour flight to Ft. Collins Colorado.

We pick up one of our tripmates, Jerry, in Ft. Collins and he has promised us a sampling of the local brews (and I don't mean tea).


  1. what do you say to pilots? we tell our actress roommate to "break a leg" . . . but fly safely and have a fantastic trip!
