
The map above will show our planned route of flight in magenta, as well as our actual route of flight in yellow. During flight, you'll see a blue plane showing our present position (updated every ~10 minutes), and green balloons will indicate where we've landed. You can also look at this map in Full Screen.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Maintenance Delay

Vacuum pump failure during run-up. We've got a spare one with us- looking for a mechanic to install it. Still at St Augustine.


  1. Ugh... that's a first :) Good you caught it on run up!

  2. Yea pilot Jim did. Part of the checklist.

  3. You've got a spare vacuum pump on board? That's convenient. How often do those things go out to need to keep a spare?

  4. It varies, but 500 to 700 operating hours is typical. The vanes in the pump are made from carbon, which slowly erode over time.

  5. I just tuned into your flight, trying to setup updates sent to my AIM
